Gilda Joyce: The Ghost Sonata by Jennifer Allison

The Ghost SonataOh my gosh! Wendy Choy, Gilda’s best friend, has qualified for an international piano competition and is going to Oxford, England!  Gilda is so excited for her friend and she is determined to somehow arrange to go with her.  Can you believe it?  She actually pulls it off!  She manages to go along as an official page turner with all expenses paid!

Gilda is very excited and has packed a wardrobe which includes disguises and costumes for every occasion.  She feels that Oxford will be a good place to hone her psychic investigation skills.  She has also been studying peculiar British vocabulary!  She says things like “Don’t get your knickers in a knot, luv.”  However, Wendy, who is  usually  calm and controlled and an amazing pianist has suddenly fallen apart.  What is going on?  Is Wendy losing her mind?  She has actually heard piano music in the middle of the night in a hotel which has no piano.  Her first round performance was shockingly unlike her normal performance.   Also someone or something has been leaving  tarot cards with disturbing images  for Wendy and some of the other performers.  Is it sabotage or a haunting?

We get to know Wendy very well in this latest novel.  She comes from a very ambitious family and feels a lot of pressure to meet her parents’ expectations.   They expect her to win this competition and she is beginning to feel the pressure and beginning to wonder about  how she feels about her music.  She is always trying to please her teacher and her parents.

Meanwhile, Gilda has grown up a lot.  In fact, she meets a boy she likes.  Her love interest, however, does not stand in the way of her psychic investigations or her desire to help her friend Wendy. 

I had a really great time reading The Ghost Sonata, a mystery, a ghost story, and a story about growing up and learning about yourself.  (To be truthful, I listened to the book on CD!)  Highly recommended for girls in grades 5-8.

Posted by: Fran W.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    kyerz said,

    I just read this book for a book report and i finished it last night…….. i absolutely loved it!♥♥ it may be a 344 page book but it is worth it

  2. 2

    tara said,

    What is the main idea i think i’ve read this book for a report but i can’t remember. The main idea is the only question i remember the awnser to. please reply because i need to update my library list.

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